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91pc govt fund spent for infrastructural purpose, study reveals

Khairul Islam | January 21, 2014 00:00:00

Some 91 per cent of the government fund allotted for development projects under the education sector has been spent for infrastructural purpose while the research-related grant is very small in amount, a recent study revealed.

The study jointly conducted by Actionaid, Institute of Informatics Development and Citizen Solidarity has also discovered that only 8.0 per cent of the government's spending goes for the staff development activities.

It said the education sector was given importance during the fiscal year (FY) 2006-2007 but it remained neglected in the following years. However, in terms of the total GDP, the sector got priority during the session of 2010-2011 with 2.3 per cent allocation.

The statistics shows during the last five years, the government allocation was the highest for development projects with 46 per cent followed by equality assurance with 26 per cent while the infrastructural development fund was 21 per cent.

The study findings indicate the government's allocation goes only one per cent in expansion of the science education while 8.0 per cent goes for the human resources development that includes training for the teachers and other related personnel.

Educationists and experts expressed serious concerns over the education sector's allocation terming it very low compared to the UNESCO suggested amount.

"Unfortunately, the education sector receives only 11.3 per cent of the government's budget in the ongoing fiscal against the UNESCO suggested 20 per cent", said Prof Akhtaruzzaman of Dhaka University.

He said all the political parties relatively avoid education in their election manifesto; even they don't bother about the given promise relating to the education sector development.

"Although size of the country's budget is regularly increasing, the allocation for the education sector remains unchanged", the professor, also head of the 15-memebr textbook expert committee, said.

Eminent economist Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad urged the government to increase the allocation for the education sector. He also gave importance to proper implementation of the budget.

University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Prof AK Azad Chowdhury said regrettably, most of the government fund is allotted for salary and other related expenditures while the allotment for the research-related activities is very poor.

"Considering the importance, we have recommended the government to increase the budgetary allocation for the education sector along with a substantial increase in the research-related fund", the regulator chief said.

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