Body to survey sanitation coverage formed

FE Team | Published: June 15, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

The National Sanitation Task Force constituted an independent monitoring and evaluation committee to survey the national sanitation coverage and report back within three months, reports BSS.
The task force at its last meeting chaired by Secretary of the Local Government division Safar Raj Hossain formed the committee headed by BUET Professor Mujibur Rahman to review the real field level progress of the national sanitation coverage.
The committee is formed with representations from the World Bank, UNICEF, DFID, DANIDA and civil society bodies, NGOs and the media, officials told BSS here today.
The national target of achieving 100 per cent sanitation coverage by the year 2010 was declared in 2003 when a UNICEF baseline survey found a very low coverage of sanitation with only 33 per cent of sanitary latrines while 45 per cent were open or hanging latrines.
The Task force members- Mujibur Rahman, Firoze Ahmed of BUET, Abdul Mottaleb of World Bank and Quamrul Islam Chowdhury of FEJB-described it as a success of the people of Bangladesh and suggested formation of an independent committee to rigorously monitor and evaluate the progress in the sanitation sector.

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