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Climate change confce

Call to ensure interests of vulnerable countries

FE Report | November 14, 2018 00:00:00

Speakers at a seminar on Tuesday urged the government to play an active role at the upcoming climate change conference to ensure the interests of most vulnerable countries. They also urged the government to play an effective role at CoP 24 (Conference of the Parties 24) to be held at Katowice in Poland in December.

The speakers made the call at a seminar titled "CoP 24 Climate Conference: CSOs expectations from implementing Paris Agreement" organised by ten rights-based civil society organisations at the National Press Club.

The discussants said the government should continue to put pressure on the developed countries to reduce carbon emissions and combat global warming. And Bangladesh, as a victim of global warming, should make a legal framework to deal with the climate change issue, they added. Qazi Kholiquzzaman, chairman of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation, chaired the event while Hasan Mahmud, chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on the ministry of environment and forest, was present as the chief guest.


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