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Creation of job opportunities a must in budget to reduce poverty

June 12, 2007 00:00:00

Speakers at a discussion meeting Monday said creating job opportunities to millions of unemployed should be the main focus of the national budget to alleviate poverty, reports UNB.
Salimullah Khan said deficit budget is usual in developing countries. But creation of job opportunities should be the main objective of the national budget of Bangladesh.
MM Akash of Dhaka University observed that inequality in the society remains the fundamental problem. Removal of inequality will automatically reduce poverty.
Some 60 per cent of the people are landless peasants, has little scope of earning. The number is gradually increasing, said Akash while taking part in the discussion on "Dreaming A Self-reliant Bangladesh: Trade, Investment and Budget" held at Jatiya Press Club.
He stressed the need for creation of employment opportunity that alone would drastically alleviate poverty. He suggested promotion of labour intensive, agro-based industries.
Economist Anu Mohammad said mere allocation of funds in the budget would not alleviate poverty unless the main cause is addressed. "The main problem is that we have no authority on our resources."
Mostafa Monwar of Unnayan Onnesha observed that 60-70 per cent people of the country are poor as they have little scope for earning. They have no capacity of absorbing the price shock.
Ahmed Swapon Mahmud of VOICE thought that PRSP based on Word Bank prescription could not alleviate poverty. Liberalising the market and privatisation would serve better the interest of multinational companies. The multinational companies always looked for reaping maximum profit and never cared alleviation of poverty.

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