Diabetic patients 50pc of population: Muhith

FE Report | Published: February 18, 2018 23:49:07

Diabetic patients 50pc of population: Muhith

Nearly half the population of the country are infected with diabetes, but there is nothing to be worried about if the patients follow physician's instructions properly, Finance Minister AMA Muhith said Sunday.
"The diabetes will put you in a routine that you will eat timely, go for exercise regularly, and take medicine, thus the disease is not a threat to life," he said, after receiving Dr Mohammad Ibrahim Memorial Gold Medal 2018.
Dr Mohammad Ibrahim Smriti Parishad organsied the programme at Birdem Hospital auditorium in the capital, with Parishad president Dr CM Dilwar Rana in the chair.
"I think, nearly 50 per cent people suffer from diabetes presently. Once we thought the rate will be 30 per cent," the minister said, without elaborating the reasons behind the increased number of patients.
He said that the people who nurtures properly do not feel any problem due to the diseases.
Mr Muhith praised Dr Mohammad Ibrahim for his glorious contribution in spreading services for the diabetes patients. He said that now the services for diabetes patients are available even at upzilla level.
National Heart Foundation chairman Brig (Rtd) Dr Abdul Malik and Emeritus Prof Dr Hajera Mahtab have also been awarded gold medal at the programme.


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