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Dr A Majeed Khan passes away

April 28, 2023 00:00:00

Dr A Majeed Khan, founder president of Independent Univer-sity, Bangladesh (IUB), died on Wednesday, while undergoing treatment at a city hospital, says a statement.

A former cabinet minister Dr Khan also served as the Ambassador of Bangladesh to France, Spain and Morocco. Born in Faridpur in 1929 and educated in Kolkata, London, and Minnesota, USA, he was the first PhD recipient in sociology and anthropology from Bangladesh.

In 2013, IUB named him President Emeritus to recognize his role in higher education development and pioneering the idea of private sector tertiary education in Bangladesh.

His first Namaz-e-Janaza was held on the IUB campus at 3:00pm on Thursday.

IUB trustees, Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Deans, staff, faculty members, current and former students attended the Janaza.

The second Janaza will be held at the Baridhara Jame Mosque and Islamic Centre today (Friday) after Jumma prayers.

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