DUTA election today (2018-12-04)

DU Correspondent | Published: December 03, 2018 23:39:05 | Updated: December 30, 2019 00:20:42

DUTA election today (2018-12-04)

The election to the 15-member executive committee of the Dhaka University Teachers' Association (DUTA) will be held today (Tuesday).
Pro-Awami League (AL) teachers will contest the polls from the Blue Panel while Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP)-Jamaat-e-islami backed teachers will run the race from White Panel.
A total of 30 candidates have submitted nomination papers from the Blue and White panels against 15 posts, including president, vice-president, join-secretary, treasure and members.
The total number of voters is 1097.
But none from the left party-backed teachers' group namely Pink Panel has submitted nomination paper this year.
Voting will be held at the club building of the university from 10am to 2pm.


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