Erosion threatens Meghna-Dhonagoda irrigation project

FE Team | Published: June 09, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

CHANDPUR, June 8 (BSS) Chandpur Matlab Meghna -Dhonagoda Project is threatened by the erosion of the river Meghna, official sources said.
Officials of Meghna-Dhonagoda Irrigation project said erosion by the river Meghna from Eklashpur to Shaitnal has been continuing alarmingly for the last one month.
Erosion has been continuing within the 5km area of Eklashpur, the sources said and added that many cracks have appeared at different places in the embankment.
The sources said if the embankment is breached the entire project is likely to be inundated and as a result about 0.50 million people within the project area will be affected.
The Chandpur-Meghna-Dhonagoda irrigation Project is one of the biggest irrigation projects of Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB). The project was taken up in 1987 for implementation at a cost of Tk 1.75 billion with the financial assistance of Asian Development Bank (ADB).
The sources said 14 unions of Matlab Upazila were brought under the project.
About 15 thousand hectares of land is benefited by the project, the sources said and added this year about 10 thousand hectares of land will be brought under Aman cultivation.

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