Faridpur pourasava announces Tk 191m budget

FE Team | Published: July 05, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

FARIDPUR, July 4 (UNB): Faridpur Pourashava has announced Tk 191.0 million budget for fiscal 2007-08.
Acting Pourashava chairman Ali Ahsan Kallol formally announced the budget at the pourashava auditorium Monday night in presence of local elite, journalists and ward commissioners.
In the proposed budget, over Tk 85.30 million has been shown as revenue income, over Tk 36.30 million as development grant and Tk 62.5 million as special project grant and over Tk 5.9 million as principal investment.
No new taxes have been imposed in the proposed budget.

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