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HSC exam schedule to be announced Monday or Tuesday: Dipu Moni

'Educational instts closure to be extended'

October 01, 2020 00:00:00

The government is going to announce a fresh schedule for the long-stalled Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent examinations either on Monday or Tuesday next, reports UNB.

Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni on Wednesday came up with the disclosure at a virtual press conference on different issues relating to the education sector.

"We've worked out various steps regarding the HSC examinations, and we'll be able to announce our full plan, including the exam schedule, by Monday or Tuesday next," she said.

The minister said they will reveal their detailed plans about the extent of the exams and their method.

She, however, said they will give the students at least four weeks to prepare for the exams. "We'll try to complete the exams in the shortest possible time. We'll come up with our all plans and proposals on Monday or Tuesday. We'll take every step in a way so that the exams are not hampered and the students can sit for the tests without any worry."

Dipu said they will also inform how those who cannot take the exams for various reasons will be evaluated.

The HSC and equivalent examinations were scheduled to begin on April 1, but the government was forced to postpone it on March 22 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Replaying to a question, the minister said they all have the preparations, including preparing questions, for the HSC exams as those were postponed at the last stage. "But even if one guardian goes to centers with each of the 1.4 million students, around 2.5-3.0 million people, including the teachers, will have involvement with the exams. Most of them will use public transport. That's why we're taking time to take decisions on it."

She said they will take the exams on the full syllabus since the previous tests were opposed just a few days before the scheduled time.

The minister said they are making their plans keeping various alternatives since the experts have issued a warning about the possible second wave of coronavirus during the winter.

"Some people are seeking a process of evaluation without examinations, and we're not ruling out this option as we may not take the exams despite making all efforts. So, we've to think about the possibility of evaluation without examination," she added.

Meanwhile, Dipu Moni said as no improvement of the coronavirus situation in sight, the government has decided to extend the closure of educational institutions to prevent the spread of the virus.

"The leave is being extended considering the current situation. We must extend the closure. The date will be announced later," she said.

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