Japanese grant to establish nursing school and college

FE Team | Published: June 25, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Japan is willing to provide Bangladesh grant assistance for establishing a model nursing school and college in Bangladesh, reports UNB.
Japanese Ambassador Masayuki Inoue conveyed this offer of his country during a meeting with Health and Family Welfare Adviser ASM Matiur Rahman at his office in the city Sunday.
The envoy said under the project, Japan will construct three buildings -- nursing school and college, student dormitory, and faculties' residential building.
This will include provision of equipment and furniture for the three buildings and provision of a power generator and safe water supply facilities for the whole complex.
The estimated cost of the project is Tk 1 billion to Tk 1.50 billion.
The nursing school and college will be a leading model to stimulate the existing nursing schools nation-wide. In addition, training courses for nursing teachers will be available.
The government of Bangladesh will select the land for the project in the capital area and prepare a project proposal through the ERD by the end of July this year. The nursing school and college is expected to be in operation by 2010.
Matiur Rahman said the dearth of nurses is one of the most serious problems in the health sector in Bangladesh. In such a situation, this grant assistance of Japan would have a tremendous contribution to our health sector, he added.
Like that of nurses we have acute shortage of paramedics, said the adviser adding that, Japan as a real friend of Bangladesh may also provide grant assistance for establishing such a school for paramedics.

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