JU admission test ends with D unit exam

JU CORRESPONDENT | Published: June 23, 2023 00:24:47

JU admission test ends with D unit exam

Undergraduate (honours) admission examination of Jahangirnagar University (JU) for the session 2022-23 ended with the D unit examination under the Faculty of Biological Sciences.
This year's admission test is being held in separate shifts for boys and girls. On the last day of the entrance examination, boys participated in four shifts.
The examination of the first shift of the students started at 9am and ended with the fourth shift at 2.50 pm. The attendance rate of students on the last day was 70 per cent.
Earlier on Wednesday, the results of the admission test of the female candidates held in four shifts of the same unit were published on the university's admission website (juniv-admission.org).
Dean of Faculty of Biology Professor Nuhu Alam said that the pass rate of female students in D unit is 50 percent.

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