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Light to moderate rain likely few places

FE REPORT | October 01, 2020 00:00:00

Light to moderate rain or thundershowers accompanied by temporary gusty wind is likely to occur at a few places over Dhaka as well as other divisions today (Thursday), according to the Met office.

Moderately heavy falls might also occur in places over the country, while day and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged, the weather forecast said.

The maximum temperature recorded in Dhaka on Wednesday was 35.1 degrees Celsius while the rate of humidity (RH) was 81 per cent.

The country's highest temperature of 35.5 was recorded in Tangail on the day. And the highest rainfall of 47 mm was recorded at M. Court in Chattogram division.

The sun sets in Dhaka at 05:45pm today (Thursday) and will rise at 05:50am tomorrow (Friday).

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