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Newborn baby survives miraculously

[email protected] | February 02, 2016 00:00:00

A newborn baby has survived miraculously after his mother threw him to the ground from the third floor of a six-storey building at Ramna in the city on Monday, police said.

According to Ramna Police Station, Beauty (15), daughter of Abu Bakkar, threw her baby boy out of the window of their flat at Bailey Road around 10:00 am to kill her son as it was an illegitimate child.

She has been serving as a domestic help at the flat for the last nine years.

Hearing screams of the baby, locals rushed to the spot and informed the police about it. Later, police went to the spot, rescued the baby, and took him and his mother to the hospital.  

Both are now undergoing treatment at Ad-Din Hospital at Moghbazar, Sub-Inspector (SI) of Ramna Police Station Aminul Islam told the FE.

[email protected]

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