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Quota movement violence

Perpetrators won’t be spared: DMP

FE REPORT | July 25, 2024 00:00:00

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has started arresting the persons involved in violence and arson acts during the students' quota reform movement recently, said a high official on Wednesday.

"We are carefully examining video footages, so that not a single innocent person lands in jail. We are arresting those who are really terrorists and involved in anarchy and violent activities centring the students' quota reform movement," DMP joint commissioner (operations) Biplab Kumar Sarcar told the media at his office in the capital.

He said conducting arson attacks and setting the government buildings on fire can never be a part of any students' movement.

"It was certain that the terrorists of BNP and Jamaat have committed these violence and arson acts to divert the students' movement."

The students of Dhaka University and other educational institutions were not involved in these activities.

He mentioned that DMP is collecting information about the BNP and Jamaat terrorists, who were involved in violence and terrorist activities from 2013 to 2023.

"Ordinary people, who recorded videos on violent incidents during the students' movement, are providing us footages."

"We are getting video footages on where violent incidents happened. Besides, we are also getting videos from open sources."

Those who were involved in attacks on police personnel would not be spared, he added.

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