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March 02, 2017 00:00:00

In a report published on page 17 in the March 01, 2017 issue of the FE under the headline 'Separate CIB for MFIs getting delayed' it was mentioned that Bangladesh Bank had rejected a proposal of the Department for International Development (DFID) for creation of a subsidiary CIB (credit information bureau) for the country's commercial banks and MFIs (microfinance institutions). At one place of the report, the DFID was also wrongly mentioned as source of information.

In a rejoinder, the DFID on Wednesday said it had been discussing the issue of the Micro-Finance Credit Information Bureau (MFCIB) with Bangladesh Bank for some time but no proposal had been made (in this regard).  

The FE regrets mentioning of the DFID as a source in the report in question.

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