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SSC Bangla 2nd part questions leak on FB prior to exam

February 04, 2018 00:00:00

The Bangla second part question paper for the SSC and equivalent exams has leaked on Facebook prior to the exam, reports bdnews24.com.

The questions went viral on the social media site about an hour before the exam started. Asked about the leaks, education officials have only said they would 'look into the matter'.

This reporter took the leaked questions to the Dhaka Education Board seeking comments on the issue after the leaks surfaced on the social media.

"Have you made up these questions?" a board official asked.

A Facebook group claiming to have accurate question papers for the exam began advertising last Thursday, soon after the first paper.

Leaks of the 'Kha' question set went viral on Facebook around 9:15 am on Saturday, before the start of the exam at 10:00 am.

A Facebook account under the name 'Himur Chhaya' sent images of the 'Kha' question set over Facebook Messenger at 9:16 am.

The leaked questions matched perfectly with the multiple choice questions on the exam. Dhaka Board Examination Controller Tapan Kumar Sarkar was called several times over the leaks, but did not answer the phone. He was not in his office at 10:30 am, when this reporter went to talk to him on the issue directly.

"Are you the ones who send photos of these questions?" a board official said when the reporter explained the reason for his visit.

The controller responded to a phone call after the leaks were confirmed to match the question paper.

He said he had been visiting an examination centre and thus had no access to his phone.

"We have yet to receive proof," he said when asked about the leaks. "As you are informing us, we will make the necessary inquiries. We will check with the information presented in the news."

Over two million students around the country are taking their SSC and equivalent exams on Thursday. All boards are to use the same question set this year.

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