Workshop on involuntary resettlement begins today

FE Team | Published: July 10, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

FE Report
A three-day workshop for developing a national policy on involuntary resettlement begins at the BRAC Centre Inn in the city at 9:30 am today (Tuesday).
The Asian Development Bank and the Ministry of Land, Government of Bangladesh, are jointly organising the workshop focusing on issues on urban development, transport, and water resources/energy sectors to be discussed on each of the three days sequentially.
The activities of the workshop have been designed to provide inputs and feedback by the stakeholders for drafting a national policy for involuntary resettlement.
In Bangladesh, there is no clearly formulated resettlement policy for persons affected by development projects. Presently, the government uses the 1982 acquisition and requisition of immovable property ordinance, which is considered inadequate to address the needs of those displaced, in terms of compensation based on full replacement value, resettlement, and restoration of income in post-resettlement period.
Mainul Hosein, adviser of Information and Land, will inaugurate the workshop as the chief guest. Hua Du, country director for ADB's Resident Mission in Bangladesh, will be present as a special guest. Md. Mosleh Uddin, Secretary for Land, will chair the workshop.
Senior government officials, experts, development practitioners, NGO representatives, civil society members and others will also attend the broad stakeholder consultation.

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