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WUB holds three-day seminar on Teaching Methodology

October 22, 2007 00:00:00

The World University of Bangladesh (WUB) held a three-day seminar on Teaching Methodology meant specially for junior teachers of the university from October 6 to 8 and 9, 2007 being participated by the teachers and most of the administrative staff with Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Abdul Mannan Chowdhury presiding.
The Dhanmondi campus of WUB wore a busy look all these three days with so many teachers at a time. The discussions were open and teachers -- young and old -- freely expressed their feelings about problems in managing classes, using teaching aids and laboratories, maintaining discipline, holding fair exams, using appropriate language for male and female students, etc.
Issues like availability of latest science textbooks, instruments and equipment for engineering students, good reference books for law, literature and business administration departments, more easy access to internet and more facilities in the computer labs, etc. were also raised.
Experienced senior teachers and specialists narrated their experiences and gave tips as to how an intelligent teacher can arouse interest in the elderly and young learners to attentively listen to lectures of the teachers and how a wise teacher can continue class for 150 minutes without break! Most of them said that a disciplined, committed and well-prepared teacher is the best guide and friend students always like to have in the classroom.
Professor Chowdhury touched on all the points raised in the seminar in right perspective, made his comments properly and gave administrative decisions in an erudite manner.
He concluded the long deliberations saying that he wanted to see his university teachers better equipped to make the learning environment more enjoyable through interactive method of teaching in addition to properly using the resources provided by the university, and establish a research-based 'Centre of Excellence' for good teachers to cultivate their talents and impart a real good utilitarian education to the students under their care; and to bring prosperity to the nation to make his dreams come true.
The university reopens Monday, October 22 after an unduly long twelve-day holidays on account of Lailatul Qadr, Juma'tul Wida, Eid-ul-Fitr and the Durga Puja. The teachers have been urged to take extra classes to make up for the loss incurred due to additional holidays. --Press release

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