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‘AL's entente with Hifazat’ comes under question

March 17, 2018 00:00:00

Professor Muntasir Mamun has called into question the Awami League's close association with radical outfit Hifazat-e Islam, reports bdnews24.com.

The Dhaka University history teacher asks what the difference between the Awami League and the BNP, whose key ally is Jamaat-e-Islami, is if the ruling party also makes compromise with a religion-based organisation.

The university's Prof Emeritus Anisuzzaman says it will be a 'grave mistake' for any democratic party to forge an alliance with any religion-based party for votes.

They made the remarks at a seminar titled 'Murder attempt on defiant writer Zafar Iqbal: What the barriers to banning politics in the name of religion are' at the National Press Club in Dhaka on Thursday.

The speakers at the programme criticised the government for changing textbooks and recognising Qawmi madrasa degree following demands by hardliner Hifazat.

"If the democratic parties look to woo votes by pandering to them (religion-based organisations) with sweet words, it will be a grave mistake. No democratic government should play the religion card," Prof Anisuzzaman said.

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