Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen Tuesday said the Bangabandhu foundation is planning to hold events like seminars and workshops on the ideology and principles of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at 100 prominent universities across the world, reports BSS.
"We (Bangabandhu Foundation) have taken an initiative to arrange seminars and workshops on Bangabandhu and Bangladesh's tremendous successes at 100 different universities across the globe," he said.
The foreign minister, who is also the president of the Bangabandhu Foundation, said the body has committees in 39 countries across the world and they are committed to project Bangladesh positively in the international arena.
Bangabandhu foundation to held events in 100 varsities across globe: Momen
FE Team | Published: January 25, 2022 22:52:38
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