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Bangladesh, Ukraine ink deal on economic co-op

June 18, 2007 00:00:00

MOSCOW, June 17 (BSS): An "Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Governments of Bangladesh and Ukraine" was signed in the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow Friday.
Bangladesh Ambassador to the Russian Federation, who is concurrently accredited to Ukraine, M Amir Hussain Sikder, has signed the agreement on behalf of the government of Bangladesh while Ambassador of Ukraine to the Russian Federation Oleg Alekseevich Demin has signed the agreement on behalf of Ukraine.
It was the historic occasion when the first bilateral agreement at Government level was signed between the two countries. During the signing ceremony the officers of the Bangladesh Embassy and the Ukraine Embassy were also present.
Earlier, the Ukrainian envoy cordially welcomed the Bangladesh ambassador to the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow.
The two ambassadors before signing of the agreement had an exclusive meeting. During the meeting they exchanged views on different aspects of bilateral relations including economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
Mentioning about the excellent bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Ukraine Ambassador Oleg expressed the hope that the bond of friendly ties would be further strengthened and expanded in other areas including economic and trade cooperation through increased contacts at different levels for mutual benefit of the two countries.
He also expressed the hope that the trade agreement would contribute greatly towards expansion of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.
During the meeting Oleg A Demin said that a Ukrainian business delegation may soon visit Bangladesh during which the business leaders of the two countries would get opportunities to have useful interaction between themselves on the existing bilateral cooperation, including further expansion and diversifying the bilateral cooperation in different areas for mutual benefit.
In response, the Bangladesh envoy mentioned that the existing close and friendly relations between Bangladesh and Ukraine was based on strong foundations and historical links.
He also recalled the valuable support and cooperation that Ukraine, as a part of the then USSR, had extended to Bangladesh during the Liberation War in 1971.
He stated that Bangladesh attached great importance to her friendly relations with Ukraine and that she desired to further strengthen and expand the bilateral cooperation in various fields including trade and economic cooperation for mutual benefit of the two countries.
Ambassador Sikder also gave a brief account of the lucrative incentive package offered by Bangladesh for foreign investors including foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country and invited the Ukrainian entrepreneurs to avail of these incentives by investing in different sectors including the energy and power generation, exploration and development of gas and oil, agriculture, infrastructure development and petrochemicals.
In response Ambassador Oleg said that Ukraine might extend support and cooperation through active participation in setting up of power plants in Bangladesh including Nuclear Power Plant.
At this stage the ambassador mentioned his government's proposal for setting up of a particular project in each country through joint collaboration of the two countries would not only further deepen the friendly relations but would also greatly benefit both the countries.
In this context he suggested that the idea could be considered by Bangladesh and then suggest a particular project for such collaboration.
The ambassador of Bangladesh also briefed the Ukrainian ambassador on the prevailing political and economic situation in Bangladesh.
He mentioned the implementation of various development and reform programmes in the country to create a congenial atmosphere for holding a free, fair and credible elections particularly the next general elections, establishment of a just and disciplined trade and fiscal regime and establishment of rules of law in the country.

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