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Bangladeshis view America more favourably than before: Survey

July 02, 2007 00:00:00

Bangladeshis view Ame-rica more favourably than before as revealed in a recently concluded survey, reports UNB.
The Washington-based Pew Research Centre conducted the survey, titled 'Global Unease with Major World Powers', on 45,000 people across the globe under its Pew Global Attitudes Project.
The survey revealed that favourable image of the United States (US) in Bangladesh increased from 45 per cent in 2002 to 53 per cent in 2007, while other Asian countries under the survey such as Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, India and Japan showed consistent decline over the period.
However, opinions on the US remained overwhelmingly negative among Middle Eastern and Asian Muslims with the exception of Bangladeshi and Lebanese Sunni Muslims.
The survey report states that while a large number of Bangladeshi respondents (81 per cent) bear positive view of US science and technology, a small percentage (14 per cent) expressed positive views on US movies and music.
It also indicates that concern for environmental degradation among Bangladeshis has increased.
Majority of respondents, 85 per cent from Bangladesh, termed global warming a serious environmental hazard and blamed USA for pollution and environmental problem.
The survey divulged a number of interesting developments in public opinion on major world powers and global issues.
Some of the developments are presented briefly in the following: Global distrust of US leadership is reflected in increasing disapproval of the US foreign policy.
US key allies in Western Europe view that the USA acts unilaterally and does not take into account their interest.
US policy remains popular in Africa, falls in Western Europe and in Latin America, unpopular in Middle East and in Turkey, receives much less enthusiasm in Eastern Europe, but fetches favourable opinion in Bangladesh and South Korea.
Global support for US-led war on terror is the lowest than ever; overwhelming majority of Muslim countries want US and NATO troops withdrawn from Afghanistan.
There is less enthusiasm for American style democracy than ever. Among Americans, enthusiasm for promoting democracy in the countries has waned.
Besides, the overwhelming majority believes US favours Israel, majorities in France, Germany and Sweden say US policy favour Israel too much.
Forty-two per cent of Israeli respondents say America is too much supportive of their country.
USA has been seen as contributing to global inequity.
Major countries in Western Europe sympathise more with Palestinians than with Israel.
Majority respondents in 33 of the 47 countries under survey have a favourable view of the United Nations and the European Union.

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