BNP can’t be active again with anyone's support

Says Quader

FE Team | Published: May 14, 2024 00:20:45

BNP can’t be active again with anyone's support

Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader has said BNP cannot be active again with anyone's support now, reports BSS.
"There is no reason to think that BNP will again create unrest at the patronisation of the United States," he told a press conference at the AL President Sheikh Hasina's Dhanmondi political office in the city on Monday.
Quader said Israel does not pay any heed to US President's remarks. So, why the Awami League government which is elected by the people's vote will fear them, he questioned.
Quader said US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu is coming to Bangladesh to take ahead the bilateral relations.
"We will witness the implementation of the remarks which was made by US President Joe Biden in a letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina," he said.
Replying to a question about BNP's meeting with its allies, the AL general secretary said if BNP wants to go ahead politically, AL will face them politically.
If BNP leaders and workers take to street to carry out arson attack, they will be given a befitting reply, he said.
About BNP leaders' claim that AL has made massive offences and the party leaders will not get any path to flee, Quader said there is no record of fleeing in the history of AL.
In 2007, Tarique Rahman, now acting chairman of BNP, fled away the country giving a written bond (Muchleka) that he won't do politics anymore, he said.
"Why we will flee? The people are the source of strength of us. If BNP again carries out terrorist acts in the name of movement, they (BNP) will have to flee," he said.
He said BNP made a big mistake by not taking part in the polls and they will have to suffer for that mistake.

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