BNP doing dirty politics over Khaleda's health

Says Mahbubul Alam Hanif

FE Team | Published: September 22, 2020 22:52:59

BNP doing dirty politics over Khaleda's health

KHUSTIA, Sept 22 (BSS): Criticising the BNP's top leaders for doing dirty politics over the health issue of Khaleda Zia, Awami League (AL) Joint General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif said on Tuesday the BNP chief has been freed by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on humanitarian ground, but it is not clear why the BNP leaders are shamefully slamming the government.
"BNP chief has not been released through the judicial procedure…she was released as Sheikh Hasina showed her humanity, but BNP leaders are doing negative politics with it," he said.
The AL leader came up with the remarks while replying to queries from journalists before joining a hospital management committee meeting in the city.
The BNP leaders should appreciate the government as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has freed the BNP chief who was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment in Zia Charitable Trust case on October 29, 2018, through an executive order by showing sympathy to her, the ruling party leader said.
But the BNP leaders are making derogatory comments against the government which is manifestation of their dirty politics, he added.
Deputy Commissioner of Khustia M Aslam Hossen, District Awami League President Sadar Uddin Khan and its General Secretary Asgar Ali and other ruling party leaders, among others, were present on the occasion.
The government suspended the punishment of the 75-year old leader for six months in March this year as per the Sub-section 1 of Section 401 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).

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