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BNP fields Tabith in Dhaka north's mayoral battle again

January 17, 2018 00:00:00

BNP has picked Tabith Awal as its candidate to contest the by-polls to Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) mayoral post again, report agencies.

The 20-party alliance also extended its support to him.

BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Tuesday said Tabith came up with the announcement at a press conference at the party's Nayapaltan central office in the city.

"Our party has nominated Tabith Awal. He'll also be the candidate of the 20-party alliance in the by-polls," he said.

He said though the Jamaat leader has been out on campaign there is no doubt that Tabith is the 20-party's candidate. "What I'm saying is based on facts."

The BNP leader said his party believes that the 20-party mayoral candidate will win the by-polls with a big margin if the Election Commission (EC) becomes sincere about holding a credible and neutral election.

He called upon the leaders and activists of BNP and the 20-party alliance to work for ensuring the victory of Tabith in the polls billed for February 26.

On Monday night, BNP nomination board picked Tabith Awal as its candidate for the by-polls after interviewing the party nomination seekers at BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia's Gulshan office.

Rizvi alleged though the EC announced the schedule for the by-polls, no sign is still insight the DNCC areas for creating a congenial atmosphere.

He urged the Commission to take steps for creating a level-playing field and equal scope for all parties to hold political programmes for the sake of an acceptable election.

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