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BNP lashes out at ruling party leaders for 'widespread graft'

September 23, 2019 00:00:00

BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday said the 'misdeeds of ruling party leaders are getting exposed as they crossed the limit by indulging in widespread corruption and plundering', reports UNB.

"The people of Bangladesh have all the information about who are siphoning off how much money, making how many houses abroad, doing offshore business and deposited money in Swiss Banks. So, don't cross the limit as Allah doesn't like it and (Sheikh) Hasina is now getting its proof as the history of your sins and misdeeds are getting exposed now," he said.

Speaking at a human-chain programme, the BNP leader further said, "Bangladesh has now become a country of gamblers. It won't be unfair if I call the current government as gambler one. The government should quit right away as what we've been reading in the newspapers for the few days."

Jatiyatabadi Mohila Dal arranged the programme in front of the Jatiya Press Club, demanding the release of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia.

Fakhrul said the government has no success in any sector of the country. "You've resorted to gambling having failed to deliver on all fronts to hang onto power. But you won't be able to sustain as the people of this country love democracy."

He said the government has made the country's economy such a role model that it is now set to collapse while banks have got depleted.

"You're exempting the loans of defaulters as the ruling party leaders, ministers and MPs took loans of thousands of crores of taka from banks."

The BNP leader alleged that those foreigners work for casinos here are involved in siphoning off money abroad.

He also claimed that around Tk 27,000 crore was siphoned off to different countries, including Canada, Malaysian and the UK, over the last one year to build second homes there.

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