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Bring loan defaulters, bank looters to justice

BNP urges PM

September 30, 2019 00:00:00

BNP senior leader Zainul Abedin Farroque on Sunday urged the government to bring the loan defaulters and bank looters to book arresting them during the ongoing drive against casinos and wrongdoers, reports UNB.

"The Finance Minister admitted that defaulters have depleted the banks by taking Tk 11,120 crore as loan. I would like to ask the government why it is not taking legal steps against those who looted our banks like sharks. I call upon the Prime Minister to catch these looters and loan defaulters," he said.

He made the call while speaking at a human-chain programme arranged by Nagorik Odhikar Andolon Forum in front of the National Press Club, demanding the release of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia from jail.

Farroque, an adviser to BNP chairperson and former opposition chief whip, also called upon Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to take action against the ruling party stalwarts involved in corruption.

He alleged that Awami League leaders are carrying out a 'false campaign' involving BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman with casino business only to misguide people.

The BNP leader also accused the government of keeping Khaleda Zia in jail in 'false' cases just to cling to power. "The cases she was convicted are bailable, but she's not being granted bail."

He said the programme like human chain is not enough to mount pressure on the government to free Khaleda Zia. "We must take to the streets and wage a strong movement to have Khaleda Zia freed."

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