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China for curbing trade gap with Bangladesh

June 12, 2007 00:00:00

Chinese government has taken the issue of trade imbalance with Bangladesh seriously and already made substantial effort to solve the problem.
New Chinese Ambassador in Bangladesh Zheng Qingdian, who sees a lot of potential of this country to develop, said this while asked whether his country would consider more trade facilities for Bangladesh to reduce a trade deficit of about US$2.0 billion.
In an interview with UNB in the city Monday, the envoy said, "We have taken combined measures to expand imports from Bangladesh, including sending purchasing missions to Bangladesh and providing government subsidies."
Qingdian mentioned that his country had granted tariff-free access to 84 items and preferential tariff treatment to 156 other items of Bangladesh commodities within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA).
"More tariff-reduction plans are on the way, and we will do that. Besides, we will encourage more Chinese enterprises to come to invest in Bangladesh."
The ambassador said the Chinese vice-minister for commerce would be visiting Dhaka next month to discuss trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.
Replying to a question, he said the Chinese companies have already made a lot of investment in power, textile and telecommunication as well as many private sectors in Bangladesh.
"The rising manufacturing industries in Bangladesh are attracting Chinese investors to this country. And the Chinese government is keen to see such investment to be mutually beneficial to both Bangladesh and Chinese peoples."
On the planned highway link between Teknaf and Kunming through Myanmar, he said China in principle supports the proposal for building the tri-nation highway. He welcomed the recently signed Bangladesh-Myanmar Memorandum of Understan-ding (MoU) on the project.
He said China has good cooperation with Myanmar and believes that further discussion, coordination and cooperation could set up such significant bridge-like road for the convenience of the people of these countries.
Asked about China's cooperation in facing the global warming, a critical issue for Bangladesh, the envoy said that China and Bangladesh could forge cooperation in this area as both the developing countries are facing the same problems of floods and droughts.
About Dhaka-Beijing military cooperation, Qingdian said the relations between the armed forces of the two countries have been 'always perfect'. "We have exchanged defence delegations from time to time, and cooperation in every project is going well."
During the interview, the envoy has also vented deep concern over the developments in Bangladesh and expressed the hope that peace, stability and development of the country could be safeguarded in people's interest.
"As the friendly close neighbour of Bangladesh, China is very much concerned about the developments of Bangladesh situation," the envoy said.
The Chinese envoy said: "We sincerely hope that the peace, stability and development of the country could be safeguarded to protect the interest of its people."
Qingdian, who took up his assignment two months ago, said they appreciate the government's strong determination to develop economy and improve people's lifestyle.
"Bangladesh has a large potential market with huge population and low-price skilled labour," he said, adding that the Chinese government will always encourage its (Chinese) companies to do trade and make investment in Bangladesh.

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