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Court seeks probe report on cafe attack June 25

May 18, 2018 00:00:00

A Dhaka court on Thursday set June 25 for submission of the probe report in a case filed over the Holey Artisan Café attack, reports UNB.

Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Nurunnahar Yasmin fixed the date as the investigation officer of the case, Counter Terrorismand Transnational Crime (CTTC) unit Inspector Humayun Kabir, failed to submit the probe report on Thursday.

Earlier, on April 10, the court fixed Thursday for submission of the probe report.

In the evening of July 1, 2016, five militants entered the Holey Artisan Cafe and Bakery with bombs, machetes and pistols, and took several dozen people, including 18 foreigners, hostage.

Twenty hostages - nine Italians, seven Japanese, one Indian, one Bangladesh-born American and two Bangladeshis - were killed as the militants sprayed them with bullets indiscriminately or cut their throats to confirm their death inside the cafe.

Besides, two senior police officers - Banani Police Station then officer-in-charge Salauddin Ahmed Khan and Detective Branch assistant commissioner Robiul Islam - were shot dead when police tried to gain control of the bakery.

A case was filed with Gulshan Police Station in connection with the worst terror attack.

Later, the case was transferred to the Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP).

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