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Distance between BNP, student leaders not expected: Asif Nazrul

January 27, 2025 00:00:00

Law adviser Asif Nazrul has saidthere should be no distance or misunderstanding between the BNP and the student leaders or the forces of the mass uprising, reports BSS.

"We saw some evidence in the last few days of how much this (misunderstanding) can encourage and make the Awami League leaders and activists who carried out genocide and their allies reckless," he said in a facebook post from his verified account on Sunday.

"In the last two days, Facebook was flooded with rumours of fleeing by Dr. Muhammad Yunus, advisers and student leaders.

In the frenzy of these rumours, news has also been published that Awami League leaders and activists have tried to sabotage. A couple of people have called me in panic, wanting to know what happened," he said.

He pointed out few issues saying BNP is not interested in conspiracies or anything like 1/11; the student leaders are not forming any political party while in government or going to join it; the July Declaration will be a political document and the student leaders have the desire to sincerely reflect the opinions of the forces of the mass uprising in its formulation; BNP and student leaders are not even disinterested in a larger election-focused compromise (its type and formula are subject to discussion).

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