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Fugitive killers of four nat'l leaders to be brought back

Says home minister

November 04, 2020 00:00:00

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal offering munajat after placing wreaths at the murals of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and four national leaders Syed Nazrul Islam, Tajuddin Ahmad, Captain Mansur Ali and AHM Quamruzzaman at the Old Central Jail on Najimuddin Road in the city on Tuesday, marking the Jail Killing Day — Focus Bangla

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said on Tuesday the fugitive killers of four national leaders will be brought back home and executed, reports UNB.

"The verdict in the killing case has been executed partially while the work to bring back the fugitive convicts is underway. They will be brought back one by one and executed ," he said.

The home minister came up with the remark while visiting the killing spot of four national leaders at the Old Central Jail on Najimuddin Road in the city.

"Not only the misguided army personnel but also a big conspiracy was there behind the assassination of four national leaders and identities of those involved in the conspiracy will be exposed," he added.

On November 3, 1975, four national leaders and heroes of the country's Liberation War -- Syed Nazrul Islam, Tajuddin Ahmad, Captain Mansur Ali and AHM Quamruzzaman -- were assassinated inside the Dhaka Central Jail.

-The four leaders played a key role in forming the Mujibnagar government in exile that led the Liberation War of 1971 with Syed Nazrul Islam as the acting president, Tajuddin Ahmad as the prime minister, Mansur Ali as the finance minister and AHM Qamruzzaman as the home, relief and rehabilitation minister.

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