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Gayeshwar hints at BNP's 7th council

September 23, 2020 00:00:00

BNP senior leader Gayeshwar Chandra Roy has hinted that his party has resumed organisational activities to prepare for holding its seventh national council, reports UNB.

"The resumption of our party's organisational activities is part of the council. We need to complete the councils of all the units of every district, upazila and thana across the country before the national council. We've already started that work," he said.

The BNP leader, however, said his party will have to wait until the corona situation gets normal in the country to hold the council.

Gayeshwar, a BNP standing committee member, made the remarks while talking to reporters after placing wreaths at BNP founder Ziaur Rahman's grave along with the leaders of Jatiyatabadi Tarun Dal on Tuesday, marking its 25th founding anniversary.

On Saturday, BNP standing committee members decided to resume the organisational activities of the party activities after a suspension for five months due to coronavirus.

Amid the spread of coronavirus, the party suspended its organisational activities on March 25 for a month, and it was later extended to September 15 in different phases.

Mentioning that BNP is one of the major parties in Bangladesh, Gayeshwar said the national council of the party cannot be held virtually.

"We've around 4,000 councillors alongside huge delegates. Lakhs of people gather during our council. So, we must take steps for holding such a big event taking every matter into consideration," he observed.

On March 19, 2016, the sixth national council of BNP was held on the premises of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh in the capital.

According to the constitution of the party, there is an obligation to hold its national council every three years.

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