Govt seeks sub-jail for VIP prisoners

FE Team | Published: July 10, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

The government has asked jail authorities to find out a suitable building to accommodate the growing number of VIP prisoners, a senior jail official said Sunday.
Deputy Inspector General (prisons) Shamsul Haider Siddiqui told the that they would start a search for a sub-jail Monday.
"The home ministry directed us to find out new buildings for sub-jails. The ministry sent a letter Thursday", Siddiqui said.
Security will be one of the key concerns for selection of buildings. Buildings close to hospital or police station will get priority, he said.
Siddiqui said he and a police officer would select up to three buildings. Later, the inspector general (prisons) will visit the buildings and send a proposal to the ministry that will make a final decision.
Initially, one sub-jail will be set up in Dhaka. If necessary, sub-jails will be set up outside Dhaka, Siddiqui said.
He ruled out allowing VIP prisoners to stay in the jail with family.
"Only male prisoners will be kept in the sub-jail. Relatives will stay where they are now."
Another prisons official, speaking in return for anonymity, said the residences of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker in the Jatiya Sangsad premises and the confiscated home of BNP leader Harris Chowdhury, top the choice list.
NAM flats are also under consideration.
About 60 VIP prisoners have been staying in the crammed Dhaka Central Jail.

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