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Govt's anti-graft stance apolitical, says Hasan

September 23, 2019 00:00:00

Reiterating the government's stance against corruption and irregularities, Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud on Sunday said actions are being taken against all corrupt people irrespective of political identity, reports BSS.

"BNP should give thanks to the government for this stance and the ongoing drive which was not absent during their regime. Rather, BNP gave corruption as an institutional shape," he told journalists before a meeting with the artistes of Bangladesh Television (BTV) and Bangladesh Betar at the meeting room of his ministry here.

State Minister for Information Dr Murad Hasan was present in the meeting.

Dr Hasan said BNP's acting chairman, a fugitive convict in different cases, was a 'python' and he swallowed everything. "The acting chairman began the system of 10 percent commission for every business of the state. Bangladesh became champion in corruption for five times during the BNP's tenure," he added.

The minister said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is moving ahead with 'zero tolerance' policy against irregularities, corruption and drugs.

"Now the government is taking actions wherever corruption is found. For this, BNP should be happy and give thanks to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her tough stance. And they should be ashamed for their failure. BNP has no ethical right to speak on this issue," he said.

The information minister said the pro-liberation force Awami League is in the government in three consecutive terms. "Some outsiders have entered the party at different levels and also in the front organisations. Work for identifying the outsiders is going on. The party would take steps against the outsiders after identifying," Dr Hasan continued.

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