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Introduce online voting during pandemic: Rights group

FE REPORT | September 28, 2020 00:00:00

A consumers' welfare association has called for introducing 'online voting' in the country amid the COVID-19 pandemic saying the system will ensure social distancing in addition to security of votes.

Bangladesh Mobile Phone Consumer Association made the call in a statement on Sunday.

It said online voting can be held alongside the existing system of casting ballots in person (voting manually) during the pandemic.

"Experts and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have already warned that the second wave of coronavirus pandemic will be coming soon. The election commission (EC) continues the processes of holding by-elections in the country to meet the constitutional obligations. The Union Parishad level elections will also be held soon. But (health) safety guidelines could not be followed as a large number of voters cast their ballots in person (at the polling centres during the voting)," said Mohiuddin Ahmed, president of the platform in the statement.

Mentioning that almost all activities across the country are being conducted online since March this year amid the pandemic, then why the online voting can not be introduced, he questioned.

"We came to know that initiatives were also taken within the EC for holding an online voting but nothing happened. Besides, about 1.0 million government employees are deprived of voting during the elections in the country (in absence of online voting). Through voting online, security, health rules and the votes of a large number of voters can be ensured," he added.

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