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Search date: 28-09-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Turkey main terrorism sponsor in region, Syria minister tells UN

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 27 (AP): Syria's foreign minister accused Turkey on Saturday of being "one of the main sponsors of terror" in his country and the region, and said it is guilty of "a war crime and a crime against humanity" for cutting water to more than a dozen towns...

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Nuclear war cannot be won: Guterres

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 27 (Xinhua): United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Saturday that a nuclear war cannot be won and must not be fought."The use of nuclear weapons would affect all states, meaning that all states have a responsibility to ensure that such deadly armaments are never used again...

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BJP loses ally over farmers’ issues

NEW DELHI, Sept 27 (Xinhua): India's main ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lost its oldest alliance partner -- the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) after it announced its withdrawal from the country's ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) as a mark of protest against the recent farm bills passed in the parliament,...

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UK's COVID app does not accept third test

LONDON, Sept 27 (Reuters): England's COVID-19 smartphone app launched to curb the spread of the virus does not accept test results processed in the country's state-run laboratories, hospitals or as part of an official survey, it said on Saturday.The App's official account said on Twitter it could not link to...

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Brain-eating microbe in US city water

LAKE JACKSON, Sept 27 (BBC): Residents of Lake Jackson, Texas, have been warned about using tap water after a deadly brain-eating microbe was found in the city's public water supply.Tests confirmed the presence of Naegleria fowleri in the system. The amoeba can cause an infection of the brain, which is...

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Azerbaijan, Armenia forces clash over disputed region

LONDON, Sept 27 (BBC): Clashes have begun between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, with at least one Azerbaijani helicopter shot down.Armenia said Azerbaijan had launched an air and artillery attack. It later declared martial law and total military mobilisation.Azerbaijan said it was responding to shelling along...

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Morocco curbs COVID spread with tough rules

RABAT, Sept 27 (AP): With air and sea borders closed for months and eight cities barring people from entering or leaving, Morocco has been pulling out the stops to stanch the spread of coronavirus.Still, the kingdom on the Atlantic coast, a magnet for tourists in better times, has registered more...

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Pakistan soldier dies in Indian troops' firing in Kashmir region

ISLAMABAD, Sept 27 (Xinhua): Pakistan's army said that a Pakistani soldier was killed in Indian forces' firing along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Kashmir region.An army statement said Saturday night that the Indian army initiated "unprovoked ceasefire violation" in the Kotkotera sector along the LoC."Pakistan army responded befittingly...

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Over 500 held for violating COVID rules in Myanmar

YANGON, Sept 27 (Xinhua): A total of 525 people were arrested in Myanmar in a week for violating the COVID-19 rules, state-run media quoted Myanmar Police Force as saying on Sunday.From Sept. 19 to 25, the police charged 26 people for breaking the COVID-19 rules and filed 73 cases against...

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Seoul returns Korean War remains of 117 Chinese soldiers

BEIJING, Sept 27 (AP): The remains of 117 Chinese soldiers who died in the 1950-53 Korean War were returned to China on Sunday in an annual repatriation delayed this year by the coronavirus outbreak.South Korea handed over the remains at a ceremony at Incheon airport outside Seoul, and a Chinese...

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