A Dhaka court has placed Jatiya Samajtanthrik Dal (JSD) President and former information minister Hasanul Haque Inu on a five-day remand in a case filed over killing truck driver Sujon during the anti-discrimination student movement, reports BSS.
Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Saifur Rahman passed the order as police produced Inu before the court and pleaded to show him arrested in the case and place him on 10-day remand.
Earlier, a team of DB police arrested Inu from a house in Uttara on August 26.
He was placed on seven-day remand in a case lodged over the murder of businessman Abdul Wadud in city's New Market area.
Inu remanded for five days in another murder case
FE Team | Published: September 04, 2024 00:21:21
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