Jail killing mysteries should be dug up, says Quader

FE Team | Published: November 03, 2020 22:35:54

Jail killing mysteries should be dug up, says Quader

Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader said on Tuesday the mysteries of jail killing on November 3, 1975 should be unearthed to let the new generation know the truth, reports BSS.
"Many mysteries behind the jail killing are yet to be unearthed. These mysteries should be found out for the new generation," he said.
The Al leader came up with the remarks while talking to reporters after paying homage to Bangabandhu by placing a wreath at his portrait in front of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum in the city, marking the Jail Killing Day.
He said August 15 carnage and Jail Killing on November 3 are sewed in a single thread as four national leaders were killed in continuation of the assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
The two heinous carnages were carried out in revenge of the defeat in 1971 Liberation War, he said.
Bangabandhu was assassinated to make the country void of guardian while jail killing was perpetrated to make the nation leaderless, he added.
Quader said, "They killed the four national leaders to make us leaderless. From November 3 to November 7 in 1975, why General Khaled Mosharraf, Colonel Huda, Colonel Haider and many army officers and jawans were killed in the name of civil-military revolution? These mysteries are yet to be exposed to let the new generation know the truth."
Later, the minister placed wreaths at the graves of four national leaders at Banani graveyard.
Talking to reporters, he said the conspiracies of anti-liberation and communal forces are still going on in the country.
"Today, we will take oath that we, under the leadership of our leader Sheikh Hasina, will root out the communal evil forces from this soil to build a Sonar Bangla as dreamt by Bangabandhu," he said.
In reply to a comment of BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Quader said," The BNP leader said there is lack of honest and able leaders (in AL). I would like to say that you (Fakhrul) see your face in mirror at first. BNP is the party which gave an institutional shape to politics of corruption."

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