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New party places 14-pt proposals to introduce federal system of govt

September 12, 2007 00:00:00

Political mystery-man Serajul Alam Khan's new platform Tuesday placed 14-point proposals to the caretaker government (CG) for introducing federal system of government by dividing Bangladesh into several provinces having bicameral parliament and national security council through constitutional changes.
Samajik Rajnoitic Andolon, a platform of social forces with Serajul Alam Khan, commonly known as Dadabhai, put forward the 14-point recipe of radical reforms, reports UNB.
The organisation urged the CG as well as people from all disciplines, members of the law-enforcing agencies and government employees to take initiative to implement the 14-point charter.
Its coordinators also urged all to join the platform of the Samajik Andolon to implement the proposals for what they said getting out of the longstanding socio-political crises.
Former lawmaker Humayun Kabir Hiru, a coordinator of the organisation, presented the 14-point proposals for implementing the fundamental reforms at a view-exchange meeting at a city hotel Tuesday.
Dadabhai wrote the 14-point proposals in his book 'Political Announcement'.
The proposals include federal-system central government where President would be the head of state, a vice-president would be appointed, Bangladesh would be divided into 7-9 provinces, have bicameral parliament, a national government based on consensus of all, including winning party and opposition party.
As proposed, the bicameral parliament would be formed with two chambers-Lower House and Upper House.
Representatives of all professions and representatives of provincial governments would represent the Upper House.
An independent Election Commission would be established and a parliamentary committee formed with members of both Lower and Upper Houses.

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