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Physicians, experts suggest drugs\\\' bioequivalence tests

Shamsul Huda | January 18, 2014 00:00:00

Physicians and pharmaceutical experts have suggested for drugs' bioequivalence tests to protect the patients' rights in getting quality medicines.

They alleged that almost cent per cent of the local pharmaceuticals products are being sold in the market without having BE tests.

A BSMMU physician, preferring anonymity, said at present only two to three leading pharmaceutical companies conduct their own BE tests on several products but most of the others are produced and marketed without such tests.

He called for BE tests saying the bioequivalence tests compare the original companies' medicines with the locally produced ones by reverse engineering generics to test its efficacy and function in human body.

He said if such tests are done the locally produced medicines would get more popularity and their demand will definitely increase in the export markets abroad.

A top official of a leading pharmaceuticals company, also declining to divulge his name, told the FE that all the BE tests should be made mandatory by the government for emergency life saving medicines.

A Bangladesh Pharmaceuticals Society (BPS) source said the medicine manufacturers should not always think about their profits.

He said the country's growing pharmaceuticals sector should welcome introduction of mandatory BE tests of their products in their own interest.

Currently only the local exporters are doing the BE tests for their products in foreign lands at a huge cost, different sources said.

They said as there is no government pressure or law in favour of BE tests so the companies are marketing their products without such tests for local use.

As per market data over 20,000 brands of more than 1300 generics are being manufactured locally but BE tests for local medicines are done on less than ten products of ten brands.

The experts said if the companies' do BE tests on their drugs, confidence to use local products would increase.

A manufacturer said, "We have done BE tests for our two brands locally and the results were recognised by a foreign institute."

He said BE is done in the developing and developed countries to tests the quality of medicines and compare those with the main inventing companies products.

The experts also suggested that to ensure good health and in the manufacturers' own interest, BE should be make mandatory by the government.

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