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Upazila election results all preset, says BNP

FE REPORT | May 09, 2024 00:00:00

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) said on Wednesday that the results of the ongoing upazila elections are all preset that are just waiting for declaration.

Senior joint secretary general of BNP Ruhul Kabir Rizvi made the comment at a regular press briefing at the party's Nayapaltan central office in the capital.

"The plainclothes force of Awami League has now appeared in a new face after the dummy election held on January 7, 2024. They are oppressing and torturing students, youths, labourers, intellectuals and people who are being deprived of their rights. Attack on the opponents and enforced disappearances have started again," he alleged.

"The government has taken tactics to keep unhappiness by diverting the public attention from the present dangerous situation," he said.

"The ruling class clique has been involved to boost their own financial conditions putting country in a precarious condition," he continued.

He said that the Awami League ferocity has increased in the capital.

Mr Rizvi alleged that two leaders of Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal Rajshahi University unit identified as Nafiul Islam Jibon and Younis Khan were tortured and assaulted by Chhatra League activists.

He said that Chhatra League activists have become terrorists and started resorting to torture on the opposition parties' student wings on the campuses.

About upazila elections, he said that only the persons close to the ministers and members of parliament (MPs) could win the elections.

"There is no need to hold votes as the results were decided earlier before the polls," Mr Rizvi said.

He said that as there is no least of democracy so elections could not be held in a free, fair, peaceful and transparent manner.

Mr Rizvi condemned the killing of two Bangladeshis (Abdul Jalil and Yeasin) on Tetulia, Panchagar frontier by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF).

Meanwhile, joint secretary general of BNP and president of the party's Narsingdi district unit Khairul Kabir Khokan was released from prison after six months of detention.

He came out of Keraniganj Jail in Dhaka at around 12:30 pm.

Narsingdi district BNP general secretary Manzur-e-Elahi and member of district BNP Rafiqul Amin Bhuiyan Ruhel received him (Khairul Kabir Khikon) at the jail gate.

Khairul Kabir Khokon was arrested on October 25, 2023 from a house in the capital.

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