Yunus dissatisfied with failure of G8 on climate change, trade issues

FE Team | Published: June 11, 2007 00:00:00 | Updated: February 01, 2018 00:00:00

Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus vented his disappointments over the failure of the Group-8 (G8) rich nations to reach a firm decision on climate change, which affects Bangladesh directly, and to effectively deal with trade issues.
He expressed his lukewarm views during his live television discussion meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel about the outcome of the G8 Summit, and the role of industrialised nations in combating poverty in the world, according to a message received from Yunus' Secretariat in the city Sunday, reports UNB.
The pioneer of bank lending to the poor stated with a note of disappointment that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) involving the poorer countries were not on the agenda of the G8 forum.
"There's also no firm decision on climate change which affects Bangladesh directly," he said and expressed frustration at the lack of progress on trade.
Bishop Mvume Dandala of South Africa represented Africa at the discussion.
The discussion took place in front of an audience of 5,000 people at the German Kirchentag Event in Cologne, in the chancellor's first public appearance the day after the end of the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm.
Yunus shared his experience about Grameen Bank and said Bangladesh is on track to reach the MDGs.
He said that G8 and all countries should have a clear roadmap for the elimination of nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction as part of 'peace preparations' in the 21st century.
"This century is about finding new and creative ways to tackle problems of the world, and leaving behind the old thinking of the 20th century."
The founder of Grameen Bank called for creation of innovative institutional formations with involvement of governments, social businesses, private sector and civil society.
Chancellor Merkel highlighted Germany's commitment to fighting poverty, and expressed interest about micro-credit and other innovations being spearheaded by Yunus in Bangladesh.
Chancellor Merkel, Yunus and Bishop Dandala's statements were followed by question-answer session.
Before the on-stage discussion, Yunus and Chancellor Angela Merkel met separately to discuss G8 issues.
Former German President Richard von Weiszacker, who was present at the event, greeted Yunus and recalled his visit to Bangladesh and Grameen Bank during his presidency.

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