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Elite Steel committed to a Green Future

Shayaan Seraj | June 05, 2024 00:00:00

Steel is an essential raw material in fast growing Bangladesh. As villages evolve into towns and cities expand, the pace of construction increases, so too the consumption of steel. Rapid urbanisation and extensive infrastructure projects have created a massive demand for the critical construction material.

Historically, the steel industry is seen as a source of pollution due to the emission of carbon particulate matter and other harmful gases. It is also energy intensive requiring large amounts of electricity and fuel for its production.

Efforts are however being made to mitigate these environmental impacts through advancements in technology, increased efficiency, and the adoption of cleaner production methods.

Elite Steel, one of the pioneers of the steel industry in Bangladesh, is addressing the challenge head-on with its state-of-the-art plant located in Ghorashal, Dhaka.

Its factory has dedicated a third of its land inside the compound to green spaces. This is reserved for tree planting and fruit gardens which contribute to cleaner air and a sustainable ecosystem.

Elite is the first of the mills in Dhaka to utilise the Dog House Technology as its air pollution control system. This captures more than 95 per cent of the carbon emissions and prevents harmful elements such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and dust from being released into the air. This helps in maintaining clean air for the local neighbourhood and assists in global efforts to combat climate change too.

As a large consumer of power, Elite Steel deploys DiFOC Furnace Technology that delivers up to 20 per cent savings in energy usage. This translates into reduced energy consumption and lowering of greenhouse gas emissions.

In the production process itself, by sourcing high quality categories of foreign scrap metal such as plate 'n' structural (PNS), HMS 90-10, busheling and blue steel scraps. This ensures charging with the lowest heat time and optimal energy consumption without compromising the required chemical compositions of ferro manganese, ferro silicon and silico manganese. The ultra-modern PLC-controlled continuous casting machine produces best quality billets and a dedicated team of engineers closely monitors the process, ensuring optimal production sequencing and accurate material loading. This meticulous approach to raw material sourcing and processing not only enhances product quality but also reduces environmental impact by promoting recycling and waste reduction.

The technologies used at the Elite Steel factory are a result of the guiding philosophy of its management and dedicated workforce to manufacture excellence with a focus on sustainability and a high degree of stewardship for the environment. By leading as an example, through innovation and technology, Elite aspires to achieve strong business growth and show other brands how to care for the environment - it is committed to a sustainable and green future!

"At Elite Steel, our commitment to sustainability drives us to innovate. Our green spaces and advanced emission control technologies demonstrate our dedication to reducing environmental impact and contributing to a cleaner, greener future for Bangladesh."

Shayaan Seraj is Director of Elite Group

[email protected].

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