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Search date: 01-11-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Ansar & VDP beat Team Handball Dhaka by 50-17 goals

Bangladesh Ansar& VDP made a good start in the Bangabandu Federation Cup Men's Handball Tournament' 2020 beating Team Handball Dhaka by 50-17 goals in the opening match on Saturday morning at the Shaheed (Capt) M Mansur Ali National Handball Stadium in the city, reports UNB.The winners led the first half...

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Selectors for cricketers' fitness for T20 tourney

The BCB National Selectors have announced that cricketers who are on the draft list for the upcoming T20 tournament, scheduled for November-December, will have to undergo mandatory fitness tests before being considered eligible for the competition, reports UNB.The test has been planned to particularly assess the fitness level of cricketers...

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