44 companies in pipeline for IPO approval

Mohammad Mufazzal | Published: December 13, 2013 00:00:00 | Updated: November 30, 2024 06:01:00

The IPO (initial public offering) proposals of some 44 companies are awaiting the securities regulator's nod to raise a substantial aggregate amount of fund under the fixed price and book building method, officials said.
The officials of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) said, among the companies, 42 have submitted IPO proposals to go public under fixed price method and the remaining two under the book building method.
"Normally, the securities regulator approves two proposals every month. The time of giving regulatory approval depends on the seriousness of the issuer companies," said a senior BSEC official.
He said a company can get the regulatory approval before another one, which earlier submitted its IPO proposal, by fulfilling the deficiencies before the preceding one.
Among the companies, whose IPO proposals are under the regulatory scrutiny, majority number of companies came from the textile sector.
The other companies came from the sectors of Power, pharmaceuticals, Real Estate, Insurance, Engineering, Cement and Chemical.
The companies which are in the pipe line to go public with premium are: Dhaka Regency Hotel and Resort, Shahjibazar Power, Far East Knitting and Dyeing Industries, Ananda Shipping and Slipways, Saif Powertec, Western Marin Shipyard, IFAD Autos, M. L. Dyeing, Shamsul Alamin Real Estate, Otobi, Genuity Systems, Alliance Holdings, Aman Feed, BMSL Investment, Doreen Power Generations and Systems, Bangladesh Steel Rerolling Mills, Ratanpur Steel Rerolling Mills, Shasha Denims, Energypac Power Generation, Aman Cotton Fibrous, Aman Cement Mills, Simtex Industries, Tosrifa Industries, KDS Accessories, United Power Generation and Distribution, Express Insurance, SBS Cables, The Peninsula Chittagong, and Hamid Fabrics.
These companies have demanded premium up to Tk 86 for each ten taka share.  
Among the companies, Energypac Power Generation and United Power Generation and Distribution have submitted their proposals to go public under the book building method.
The companies which want to go public without demanding any premium are:
Tung Hai Knitting and Dyeing, HWA Well Textiles (BD), Shurwid Industries, Khulna Printing and Packaging, Hemple Rhee Mfg (BD), Khan Brothers PP Woven Bag Industries, Mohammad Elias Brothers POY Manufacturing Plant, Arian Chemicals, Far Chemical Industries, Dragong Sweater and Spinning, Yeakin Polymer, Mymco Jute Mills (Composite), National Feed Mill and Zaheen Spinning.

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