Apex Group commemorated the 79th birthday of its Founder Chairman Mr. Syed Manzur Elahi as Founder's Day recently, with week-long celebrations that included a host of events for both customers and employees, said a statement.
There were special offers for Apex Rewards members and e-commerce customers. At the same time 5 new stores were opened nationwide for the convenience of the Apex's ever-loyal customers. The event culminated with a flat 26 per cent off offer on all products only on 26th September, for the first time in Apex history. Additionally, various employee engagement initiatives were taken throughout the week.
To mark this special occasion and part of their ongoing initiative "Haat Baralei Hashbe Desh", Apex also donated 6,000 pairs of shoes to two notable NGO's - Abinta Kabir Foundation and Teach for Bangladesh - who are working to improve the lives of school-going children coming from the economically-distressed sections of the society. In this event, Mr. Rajan Pillai - Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Arif Shahriar - Chief People and Culture Officer, Mr. Sudarshan Reddy - Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Sagnik Guha - General Manager (Marketing), and Mr. Alauddin Khan, General Manager (Finance & Accounts), along with representatives of Abinta Kabir Foundation, Teach for Bangladesh and other officials from Apex were present.
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