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Apple rally seemingly unstoppable

August 23, 2020 00:00:00

Shares in the tech giant outperformed again on Friday, pushing the name to a fresh all-time high. The gain added to Apple's historic move above a $2 trillion valuation and put the stock up more than 67 per cent for 2020, reports CNBC.

The company also outperformed other major tech-related names this week, rallying more than 6%. Apple has been on fire this year and was key in the S&P 500 busting through its previous record high earlier this week.

However, some worry these lopsided tech gains could be a problem for the market, especially if the group struggles going forward.

Peter Berezin, chief global strategist at BCA Research, highlighted in a note five risks to Big Tech moving forward, including "the dismantling of pandemic lockdown measures" as it could "shift some spending from the online realm back to brick-and-mortar stores."

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