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Search date: 23-08-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Pandemic to be defeated in 2 years: WHO chief

NEW YORK, Aug 22 (AP): WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed hope that the COVID-19 pandemic will be defeated in under two years, or less time than it took to end the Spanish Flu pandemic, through global solidarity and the use of vaccines. Tedros was responding to a journalist's question...

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Two civilians die in bomb blast in Afghanistan

KANDAHAR, Aug 22 (Xinhua): Two Afghan civilians were killed in an improvised explosive device (IED) explosion in southern Kandahar province on Friday, the military said Saturday."The incident occurred in Shah Joy locality of Shah Wali Kot district when a van touched off a pressure-plate IED, detonating the device late Friday...

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