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Aziz Khan wins 'Global Asian of the Year 2018' award

January 29, 2019 00:00:00

Muhammed Aziz Khan (left) receiving the Global Asian of the Year 2018 award from Patrick Tay, Member of Parliament (West Coast GRC Boon Lay) of Singapore

Chairman of Summit Group Muhammed Aziz Khan has been recognised as the 'Global Asian of the Year 2018' under the 'Power & Energy' category by AsiaOne magazine for his contribution to the sector and industry, said a statement.

The award ceremony was held at the Tenth Edition of AsiaOne Summit 'Pride of Asia - Asian Business & Social Forum 2019' recently at Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore.

AsiaOne stated that, Muhammed Aziz Khan is the pivotal force of the largest infrastructure conglomerate in Bangladesh -the Summit Group of companies.

Starting his business with zero capital he has been listed among the richest in Singapore by Forbes in 2018. Often called a visionary and now a living legend his business acumen is only matched by his dedication to improving lives of others, a philanthropist and avid connoisseur of art.

This selection is based on primary and secondary research across 16 industries under 62 sub categories in Asia, with the evaluation and scoring from independent jury members, united research services international primary and secondary data collation and the AsiaOne editorial team.

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